
Sunday, April 10, 2016

What is in my Home Birth Kit!

I've been pretty consumed with the end of this pregnancy the last 6 weeks or so. As I have entered the 3rd trimester, I have had more discomfort and contractions. This was all anticipated and normal. But honestly it has taken all my energy to just get through the days.
I've had to scale back on what I have been able to accomplish.

I am a huge planner and like my lists. I literally started buying my birth supplies around 30 weeks! I ordered my midwife required birth kit from the medical supplier and had it at my house by 32 weeks! All along I have been feeling like she is going to come early. That sent me into prepare for baby mode! 

(35 week picture)

I am 36 weeks along right now and so glad I am ready!
Last week we had a bad storm front come through and I started having contractions. Not the Braxton Hicks tightening, they were the real deal! Started low and in my back, then wrapped up my tummy. They literally took my breath away. When I was in tears through one and it had been the 6th in an hour I texted my midwife.
We tracked the symptoms all that evening and thankfully nothing came of them. It was a scare for us as I was only 35 weeks and 2 days. By Arkansas law I have to be 36 weeks to deliver at home. 
I did my best to lay still on my left side, drink tons of water and rubbed Lavender and Geranium essential oil all over my belly. 
The next morning I was still having irregular contractions when I was up and walking. The pressure was the worst when I tried to walk or stand. Since we were only 4 days out from being allowed to have a legal home birth, we decided it was best of me to go on bed rest until the 36 week mark.
Goodness, bedrest is not for the faint of heart! I have a lot of respect for the ones that have to do it for weeks or months.
Scott was great and fixed meals after long days at work. Took the oldest to soccer practice and a game. Grocery shopped late one night after he put the kids to bed. He was a rock star! A very tired rock star, but he was amazing! 
So blessed to do life with him! 

Now that we are in the clear to have this baby she has settled down a bit. I am still having occasional contractions and have needed to slow down. Talking with my midwife, I think I have relaxed as I'm not stressed about having a hospital birth anymore. Therefore, everything has slowed down.

Well, moving along….I thought I'd share what I have gathered for our little one's home birth! Maybe this might be helpful if you are planning a home birth in the future. 

Here are the check lists I was given to collect before the birth. This was just a starting point for me. Since we have done a home birth before I knew there were a few things I wanted in addition and a few things I wanted to change up.

We aren't doing a water birth. Last time we attempted it, but Jude came too fast. Not to mention it took up most of our little space we do have. Since we are expecting a short labor, we didn't think we'd have time to set up the pool and use it. 

I added a few items to the medical kit order. A baby shirt that says "Born at Home", raspberry tea, and Arnica 200cc.

The day my box arrived I posted this on Instagram!  It's exciting to start to get the baby necessities.

The layout of what came in the kit and what was requested by my midwife…

What I actually have in my complete home birth kit and things I added…

Chux pads (lots of them!)
Bulb Syringe 
Cord clamps
Lube Jelly
Paper tape measure
Foot imprinter
Mesh undies
Peri bottle
Herbal bath
Peroxide (for clean up?)
Two shower curtains for mattress protection
Freezer bag (x2)
Black trash bags (x2)
Thieves Household Cleaning spray
Flash light
Wash cloths, towels (8-10)
Crock pot
Plastic bowl
Digital clock
Rice sock (instead of the heating pad)
Arnica 200cc -homeopathic helps with bruising and inflammation
Essential oils and pre-made blends

~Baby Needs~
Cloth and disposable newborn diapers
Hat, onsies, socks
A couple sleepers
Baby blankets
Bath towels, wash cloths
Bath supplies- We use a homemade body wash with EO's and castile soap
Cord care essential oil blend (instead of alcohol)

I have all the baby stuff in a little basket to last the first day or so. I wanted it all to be together and easy to move around. All of the baby stuff is stored in the closet of the room the older kids sleep in. I want to have a few things we'd need if she comes while they are sleeping so we won't have to wake them to find baby things. 

What is in the basket...

Her sweet Born at Home shirt!

~Mommy Needs~
Birthing ball
Peri-Blend massage oil during labor 
Peri pads
Post partum pad-sicles-Watch how to make them here.
Peri Cooling Spray for after birth 
CleraDerm Spray from Young Living- use 6 weeks before birth to prepare the peri area for delivery. Use after birth to support the recovery process. 
Mesh undies or undies you don't mind ruining 
Large night gown with buttons to make it easy to nurse in after birth
Nursing bra 
Labor essential oil roller blend
After birth essential oil blend

I went by the suggestions for blends and oils from the Gentle Babies book by Debra Raybern. I highly recommend this book during the pregnancy, baby and little years! Great advice and lots of testimonies throughout the book.

Labor Blend
1/2oz carrier oil
4 drops Helichrysum
4 drops Fennel
2 drops Peppermint
6 drops Ylang Ylang
3 drops Clary Sage
Apply to inside ankles, little toes, little fingers, lower abdomen and lower back.
Peri Massage Blend at Delivery
2oz carrier oil
5-8 drops Frankincense & Myrrh
After Birth Blend
Carrier oil
5-10 drops Geranium
5-10 drops Lavender
7-15 drops Jasmine
(I don't have Jasmine, used 8 drops of Joy blend that has Jasmine in it instead)
Use on abdomen to help expel placenta and tone uterus.
Peri Cooling Spray for after birth
5 drops Lavender, 1/2 Witch Hazel, 1/2 water in 2oz bottle.
Shake and spray as needed.
Cord Care Blend
2 Tablespoons Sweet Almond oil
2 drops Myrrh, Frankincense & Lavender

I also have gathered a handful of oils I feel like would be helpful during labor and soon after.

I am keeping everything in a handy little basket to make it easy to move around.

I am extremely excited to have my first oily birth! With Jude's home birth we hadn't found essential oils yet. We did try to do things more natural. At that time I wasn't aware of the many harmful toxins in the common baby products. It will be great knowing we will be staring this new addition off with minimal toxin exposure.

*Important note, I only use Young Living Therapeutic Grade essential oils. I have done lots of research and LOVE that YL owns their own farms. I have friends who have personally gone to the farms and participated in the planting and harvesting process. I know and trust their Seed to Seal process and feel 100% confident using them on myself and my family. If you'd like to learn more about Young Living essential oils you can check out here and here. To learn more about the Seed to Seal process, check out the awesome videos that walk you through how the seed gets to the bottle here.

Now I am almost 37 weeks and we are ready to have our 2nd home birth!
Have you had a home birth? What things did you find helpful to include in your birth kit? Leave me a comment below.

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