
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Seek-n-Find Binoculars

Yesterday we made these adorable Seek-n-Find binoculars! My kids loved this project! The best thing was it was as simple as gathering up the supplies and letting the kids dig in. 
 If your little ones are anything like mine they love to do crafts! My kids were so excited to decorate their binoculars! 
So along with them making a fun project, they are working on their fine motor skills and exploring their creative side.
And Eli even wrote a version of his name on his without even being asked! 
Oh, and he does know how to spell his name correctly...I don't know what he was doing here! 

My kids enjoy playing seek-n-find with their very own binoculars. I tell them something to find and then they run around the house looking for the item or letter. 
This is also a great way to emphasize the letter and number of the week.  

You can use whatever you have on hand. Here is what I started with.

I didn't get any photos of the process....frankly I was too busy helping them! But you get the main idea.

I went ahead and cut out strips of paper and they helped me tape them on the toilet paper rolls. Then I used rubber bands to join the two tubes together. I had them start with the markers and stickers and then we moved to the more messy glue and glitter pens.

I picked up a 10 pack of glitter pens at the Dollar Store! My two were so excited to use them! The best thing was I didn't have to worry about how much they used because they were so cheap!
After they dried I poked holes in the sides. A hole punch would have worked a lot better, but at the time mine was missing. Ha! The scissors worked...just perhaps a bit more dangerous! Then I added the twine for the strap and they were done!

With a few craft supplies and things from around the house you have a fun educational project!

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