It's been a several weeks since my first update on how it's going with my new year goals. I thought I'd share a little how it's been, what is working and what I still am working on.
First, I've had to keep reminding myself that these goals are in addition to my normal goals and responsibilities in life. Being a homeschool, stay-at-home mom with 3 little ones and pregnant with our 4th, I am busy. I know I am just preaching to the choir, but it is challenging just to do all the normal homeschooling, house work, cooking, taxi driving, and child raising.
Oh yeah! And I am kinda growing a small human.
This small human doesn't let mommy sleep much and has an ever growing list of symptoms that are letting me know she is getting bigger! Of course, I love pregnancy, but you have to admit there are a handful of not so pleasant factors. ;)
Challenging as it is, I am still working towards my goals!
If you remember the quote from my Moving Forward new year goals post….
"If you can't fly, then run.
If you can't run, then walk.
If you can't walk, then crawl.
But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward."
~Martin Luther King Jr.
If you can't run, then walk.
If you can't walk, then crawl.
But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward."
~Martin Luther King Jr.
I feel like some days I am flying and then there are days I am barely crawling by. Some days can start out really awesome! I'm running along and then, WAM, something happens and I get nothing else done.
I am learning that is okay. My controlling type A personality, is learning to let it go and just keep pressing forward at whatever speed I need to.
With all that said….I feel like God is revealing to me, my ever desperate need, to draw my strength from him. I simply cannot do it all. What I can do, I still need him to keep me focused and my heart in the right place.
So on to my goals for this year and how it is going!
Get Moving!
I think this is the one area I haven't done as well on. I am doing more then I was in December, so I still think that is progress. :) I have managed to get 1-3 days of yoga in each week. I'd like that number to be 5-7. However, some days we are very physically active! Like the day we went to the zoo, or when we run a million errands in one day! haha
I have had to slow down some here and there. Baby girl has grown quite a bit this month and I'm starting to feel it when I am on my feet too much. Thankfully, I have Young Living's Lavender and Gentle Baby essential oils to rub all over my tight tummy during those days. (If you'd like more info on what oils I use go here. Get your own oils here.)
Braxton Hicks are not fun. They say they aren't painful….yet when I have them, I am left on the heating pad.